Tips – Golfing Fanatics


  • Golf Grips and Gripes

    ASK ANY GOLFER what their personal pet peeves are and be ready for a long list! Each person has their own hot buttons that set...

  • Bogey Golf Etiquette

    YOU KNOW THE GOLFER, the one that swears often, leaves broken tees about the grass, doesn’t replace his divots, parks his cart too close to...

  • The Meaning of Golf

    IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS I’ve given great thought to the game of golf and realized it’s so much more than just hitting a small...

  • Rules is Rules II

    Dan Crosby came to the sport of golf at an early age – in seventh grade he realized that getting hit by a fast-pitch baseball...

  • Basic Golf Etiquette

    New to the game? Trying to understand what to do out on the course? Etiquette is always important – in life – on or off...